Big wide beam express cruiser that is equal parts cruising and equal parts ready to fish. The Amberjack 340 also offers a far superior ride in all conditions. CALL THE LISTING BROKER FOR MORE DETAILS.
• Repowered in 2017 with 800 hours on the port engine and 2021 with 300 hours on the starboard engine MERCURY 8.1’s IN THIS ONE……
• Upgraded portable Phillips TV
• Upgraded cabinets in galley
• 2 big screen GPS units:
Garmin GPSMap 1286.xsv with 1000W transducer, plus structure scan, down scan, side scan.
Raymarine RL80C with radar and GPS
• Stereo
Clarion head unit with 4 zones
2 New Fusion SGDA51600 watt amps
Fusion 2250 monoblock amp
New Kicker KXMA900.5 5 channel amp
New speakers